domingo, 19 de setembro de 2010

Online Task 6

Task 6 – Due Sept. 23rd, 2010
I –Parallelism

A) Watch the video: Healthy, Wealthy, & Wise Parallelism & Word Forms
The examples shown in the video are given below, for you to work with them.


Lisa is beautiful, bright and she has a charming personality.
Miami has a lot of entertainment, it’s warm here, and we have good restaurants, too.
Three benefits of living in a big city are a lot of job opportunities, exciting shows, and shopping.

We studied at the same junior high school, and same senior high school, and we also went to the same university.

It may sound too funny or scare, but it’s true.
There are many reasons people do not eat healthy. Some of these reasons are that they do not know how to cook, they do not have time to cook, and because of the cost.

Nothing is certain but death and taxes.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Beware of the young doctor and the old barber.
At 20 years of age the will reigns, at 30 the wit, and at 40 the judgment.

B) Online Exercises On Parallelism

a) Go through the 10 items and check your answers online (the site tells you whether you got it right or not) 

It starts with “I have worked in Spain and in Ireland” 
YOUR TASK: Take note of any of the 10 items you did not get right. Copy the item for me, not just the number of it! You should provide an appropriate alternative on your own.  We´ll check it in class. 

b)Then take the second Quiz available at the address below: 
After you write your suggestion, check with the GRAMMAR’S VERSION given by the website 
YOUR TASK: Try to solve your problem and bring your questions to class.

II – Exercise on Capitalization
Acess the site below and do the exercise on capitalization.  In case you still have questions after you get the answer, takes notes and bring them to class.

III. Exercise on connectives
Acess the site below and do the exercise on connectives.  In case you still have questions after you get the answer, takes notes and bring them to class.

IV. Use of conjunctions and commas
Take que quizz
You might want to read ....

Commentary guidelines

After you watch the video, take que quizzes and visit the sites, answer the following questions and turn them in on Sept. 23rd, 2010.

1. What did you learn by doing the above? Give specific examples and take notes of your problems to discuss in class.

2. If you were to suggest these videos or site to a college mate, what would you emphasize? This should be a commentary about the task and not a summary or a description of what you did. You should identify important aspects of the task, discuss each of those in turn, illustrating with examples from the sites or video.

3. Make any other comments about the task if necessary.  

******When you present your commentary, please make use of the course heading.

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